Life in Braces: What to Expect When Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment

Hello, everyone!

Dr. Corey Corpodian here, from Orange County Orthodontics. If you or your child are preparing to start the journey toward a perfect smile with braces, you might be wondering what to expect. Here, I will walk you through the typical experiences of a patient wearing braces.

Your First Few Days With Braces

Getting braces is a significant change, and it’s normal for your mouth to feel different at first. There may be slight discomfort as your teeth start to adjust to the braces, but rest assured, this sensation is temporary and will diminish in a few days.

Adapting Your Eating Habits

With braces, you’ll need to adjust your diet slightly to avoid foods that might damage your braces or get stuck between the wires and brackets. Hard, chewy, or sticky foods are usually off the menu. Instead, opt for softer foods, especially in the first few days after getting your braces.

Oral Hygiene is Essential

Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is more important than ever when wearing braces. Food particles can easily get trapped, leading to plaque buildup or even cavities. Brushing after each meal and using floss or interdental cleaners can help keep your teeth and braces clean.

Regular Orthodontic Appointments

Expect regular visits to the orthodontist for adjustments. These are an essential part of your treatment, helping to keep your teeth moving in the right direction. After each adjustment, you may feel some tightness or discomfort, but this typically subsides after a day or two.

Active Lifestyle? No Problem!

Braces shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your favorite activities. If you play a contact sport, ask about a mouthguard to protect your braces and mouth from potential injury.

Remember the Goal

Wearing braces is a temporary journey, but the result is a lifetime of confident, beautiful smiles. Any minor inconveniences along the way are well worth the outcome.

Embracing life with braces means you’re one step closer to achieving the perfect smile you’ve always wanted. At Orange County Orthodontics, we’re with you every step of the way, ensuring a comfortable and successful orthodontic journey. Schedule your next appointment today!